Workshop | Multiple Pollutants in the Soil Environment
2022 / 10
Theme: Contamination processes and integrated remediation of multiple pollutants in the soil environment
Time: Oct. 30th, 18:30 ~ 22:30 (UTC/GMT+8)
形式:Microsoft Teams线上研讨会
Form: Online webinar via Microsoft Teams
扫码注册:请扫描二维码或点击阅读原文填写相应信息,会议链接会以Microsoft Teams系统邮件形式发送

Language: English
Scope (include but not limited to):
▲Sources and contamination pathways of soil pollutants, such as atmospheric deposition, flooding, etc.
▲Biogeochemistry of potentially toxic elements (heavy metals and metalloids), organic contaminants, and emerging contaminants in the soil environment.
▲Amendments for the sustainable remediation of multiple potentially toxic elements.
▲In-situ remediation of organic contamination, including those for vadose zone and groundwater.
▲Risk mitigation of emerging contaminants, such as PFASs, micro(nano)plastics, etc.
主旨报告人:西澳大学Nanthi Bolan教授
Keynote speech by Prof. Nanthi Bolan: The ground's generosity takes in our compost and grows beauty: Compost and biochar application promote soil health and productivity

Nanthi Bolan is a Professor at the University of Western Australia. He has served as the Dean of Graduate Studies of the University of South Australia and as the Program Leader of the Cooperative Research Centre for High Performance Soil (Soil CRC). His teaching and research interests include agronomic value of manures, fertilizers and soil amendments, soil acidification, carbon and nutrient cycling, pesticide and metal pollutants interactions in soils, soil remediation and waste and waste water management. Nanthi and his research team have been able to identify the causes for the decline in soil health and have also developed innovative methods to improve soil health to achieve food security. He has published more than 500 papers and has been recognized as a Highly Cited Researcher (2018-21; Clarivate Analytics). Nanthi is a Fellow of the American Society of Soil Science, American Society of Agronomy and the New Zealand Soil Science Society. He has supervised more than 50 PhD students and was awarded Massey University Research Medal for Best Supervisor (2005).

●Anh Son Hoang
●The University of Newcastle
●Rhizoremediation as a green technology for the remediation of petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated soils

●Chunfang Gan
●Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
●Comparison of mercury exposure of pregnant women from mercury mining and non-mercury mining areas in Guizhou

●Damao Xu
●Tongji University
● The risk assessment method and associated mechanistic insights of heavy metals in smelter contaminated sites

●Dwi C. Pratiwi
●University of Alberta
●Efficiency assessment of the biochar application based on the particle size in the process of Cd contamination removal

●Fangjie Qi
●The University of Newcastle
●Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) Distribution and Transport in Class B Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF)-impacted mining sites

●Guanhong Chen
●Guangdong Institute of Eco-environmental Science & Technology
●Microbial syntrophy drives arsenic methylation at the expense of methanogenesis in anoxic paddy soils

●Jiacheng Sun
●The University of Edinburgh
●Comparative study of microalgal-derived biochar and hydrochar – characterisation and phytotoxicity assessment

●Jin Zhu
●The University of New South Wales
●Green remediation of benzene contaminated groundwater

●Katherine Snihur
●University of Alberta
●Exploring the reactivity of natural pyrogenic carbon in comparison to anthropogenic biochar

●Masud Hassan
●The University of Newcastle
●Tailoring bio-sorbent for remediation of organic and inorganic contaminants

●Mingxuan Liu
●Northeast Agricultural University
●Long-term immobilization of cadmium and lead in frozen-thawed soils of farmland in China

●Songxiong Zhong
●Guangdong Institute of Eco-environmental Science & Technology
●Cadmium Isotope Fractionation in Soil−Rice Systems during grain filling

●Wei-Ting Chen
●National Sun Yat-sen University
●Application of integrated and optimal remedial processes to cleanup TPH-contaminated soils

●Xiaoliang Fan
●Nanjing University
●Stability evaluation of Pb/Cd immobilization by rice waste biochars

●Yuge Bai
●University of Alberta
●The network of organo-mineral-association (OMA) and dissolved organic matter (DOM) enhances heavy metal remobilization by stimulating electron transfer over cm distance in mineral soils

●Yutao Peng
●Sun Yat-sen University
●Application of biochar in reducing the cadmium and arsenic uptake by Dictyophora vulgaris in soil-covered cultivation process
For further information, please contact Session Chair, Liuwei Wang from Tsinghua University (