
Abstract Requirements


Abstracts should be composed of the following parts: title, author name(s) and affiliation, main text of abstract (research background, aims and scope, research methods, results and discussion, conclusion), keywords, figures and tables, and references. The main text of the abstract should contain 800-1000 words. References are excluded from the word count. Abstracts should be written in English.


Title in English:

Times New Roman,15 point, bold, align both ends, 1 line before segment, 0 line after segment

Author name(s) in English: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Address in English: Times New Roman, 9 point.

Abstract and keywords:

Times New Roman, 10.5 point. “Background, Aims and Scope”, “Methods”, “Results and Discussion”, “Conclusion”, and “keywords” should be bold. For keywords: 0 line before segment, 1 line after segment.

Figures and tables

Title of figures and tables: Times New Roman, 9 point, bold. Font size of all letters and words in the figures and tables should be the same (usually in 9 point).

Tables and figures should be mentioned in the text before they appear in the document. Captions for tables are placed above the table, and captions for figures are placed below the figure.

Tables use three-line tables and are placed directly in the text at the appropriate location. Tables should be accompanied by a table number, a table title, and detailed table text and table notes to make the table self-explanatory. Tables are sorted in the order in which they are mentioned in the text and marked with Arabic numerals. The table serial number and table title are at the top of the table, and the table notes are at the bottom of the table. For example, time and its unit are written as "t/min", where t is in italics and min is in non-italics; concentration and its unit are: c/mg·L-1, where c is in italics and mg·L-1 is in non-italics.


Reference citations should be accurate, complete, and presented in a consistent format. References should be numbered and ordered sequentially as they appear in the text, with reference numbers in superscript and enclosed in brackets.

Please refer to the template for details. (The template is only for demonstrative purposes).

File Naming:

Extended abstracts and posters should be named in the format of [Author's Name + School].



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